by bdotson2020 | Mar 12, 2019 | Life Change, Life Transition, Yoga Therapy
I recently took over a meetup group here in St. Petersburg, FL called “Women in Transition” and over the past few weeks I’ve been blown away by some of the incredible stories of courage and resiliency I’ve witnessed in these brave beauties....
by bdotson2020 | Feb 26, 2019 | Boundaries, Healthy Relationships, Relationships
If you’re reading this, chances are setting to and (sticking to!!) your boundaries probably doesn’t come easy for you. (I feel your pain!) You may have grown up in an environment where you witnessed or endured abuse, had a parent who was emotionally...
by bdotson2020 | Feb 26, 2019 | Healthy Relationships, Relationships, Self Worth
I don’t know about you, but whenever I’m in the middle of sh*t hitting the fan, or dealing with a tough situation I find I can stay in a down place, ruminating about WHY ME? and being an all around “negative Nancy” for way too long. The truth...
by bdotson2020 | Feb 25, 2019 | Healthy Relationships, Self Worth
When I taught public yoga classes, one of my favorite things to talk about in class was the concept of “Ahimsa†– or “non-harmingâ€. In Sanskrit, Ahimsa literally means non-violence. And...
by bdotson2020 | Feb 10, 2019 | Healthy Relationships, Self Worth
Whatever it is, sometimes we’re faced with “oh shit” moments we need to navigate. Whether you saw the red flags waving high and chose to ignore them or were completely blindsided with some bad news, here are two tips to help you navigate a sticky...