by bdotson2020 | Apr 26, 2019 | Life Change, Life Transition, Self Worth, Yoga
Did you know that yoga can help you feel more comfortable with taking big risks or leaps of faith? YEP – it’s way more than stretching! If you’re feeling stuck or going through a period of uncertainty, give this a go for a quick burst of...
by bdotson2020 | Apr 1, 2019 | Life Change, Life Coaching, Life Transition, Self Worth
Last week I spent 5 days at the beautiful Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for a life coaching training. The weeks prior had me feeling stalled in my virtual assistance business, no longer excited about offering that kind of work and feeling nudged pretty strongly...
by bdotson2020 | Feb 26, 2019 | Healthy Relationships, Relationships, Self Worth
I don’t know about you, but whenever I’m in the middle of sh*t hitting the fan, or dealing with a tough situation I find I can stay in a down place, ruminating about WHY ME? and being an all around “negative Nancy” for way too long. The truth...
by bdotson2020 | Feb 25, 2019 | Healthy Relationships, Self Worth
When I taught public yoga classes, one of my favorite things to talk about in class was the concept of “Ahimsa†– or “non-harmingâ€. In Sanskrit, Ahimsa literally means non-violence. And...
by bdotson2020 | Feb 10, 2019 | Healthy Relationships, Self Worth
Whatever it is, sometimes we’re faced with “oh shit” moments we need to navigate. Whether you saw the red flags waving high and chose to ignore them or were completely blindsided with some bad news, here are two tips to help you navigate a sticky...
by bdotson2020 | Jan 22, 2019 | Intuition, Productivity, Self Worth, Trust
The other day during a coworking session at a local coffee shop, I ran into a dear, copywriting friend. This friend is brilliant in helping people unearth their life stories onto the written page. She was lamenting about a particularly draining client whom...