by bdotson2020 | Jan 12, 2021 | Boundaries, Dating, Healthy Relationships, Love, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, Self Worth, Toxic Relationship recovery
A really common “re-entry” problem many smart women face is returning to dating again after divorce or long, unhealthy relationship…only to find they’re repeating history. Attracting emotionally unavailable men. Push, pull. Still married. Only...
by bdotson2020 | Dec 17, 2020 | Boundaries, Dating, Love, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, Relationships, Self Worth, Toxic Relationship recovery
Nothing feels more gut wrenching than going No Contact with a “soulmate” who you were sure was the ONE. Or keeping the boundary 3 months later, when you’re just getting your life back…and they come sweeping in, professing their undying...
by bdotson2020 | May 22, 2020 | Dating, Healthy Relationships, Healthy Relationships, Love, Relationships, Self Worth
It’s not about more therapy to rehash your childhood (AGAIN)… It’s not about learning attachment theory and pinpointing which one YOU are, and which one your dates are and which one you should be going for… It’s not about your age, whether...
by bdotson2020 | May 13, 2020 | Dating, Healthy Relationships, Intuition, Love, Relationships, Self Worth, Trust
Your friends and family don’t get it. On the outside, you seem to have it all together. Brains, beauty, education, great job, great home … Ambition and a go-getter work ethic. Your to-do lists and Pinterest boards are jam-packed with your next project… The next thing...
by bdotson2020 | Apr 11, 2020 | Anxiety, Boundaries, Dating, Healthy Relationships, Intuition, Love, Relationships, Self Worth, Trust
/> When you’ve been burned in love – REPEATEDLY… the usual response is to build a 10’ thick iron-clad wall around your heart. To be extremely suspicious of men. Especially any and all that frequent online dating apps. You’ll tell yourself men suck. They’re...
by bdotson2020 | Apr 8, 2020 | Dating, Healthy Relationships, Love, Relationships, Self Worth
/> Sure. By now you likely know it’s got something to do with you and your psychology… You may even trace it back to having unavailable or abusive parents yourself. It’s certainly not your fault when someone lies, gaslights or abuses you. But you...