

Nothing feels more gut wrenching than going No Contact with a “soulmate” who you were sure was the ONE.

Or keeping the boundary 3 months later, when you’re just getting your life back…and they come sweeping in, professing their undying love.


Or setting a boundary with a parent. The person who gave LIFE to you…because their very presence drains you or leaves you feeling defective.

Or telling a friend who bends your ear for 2 hours about her problems that you’ve got to run.


The mere process of setting boundaries leaves many smart, (but people-pleasing women) riddled with guilt or anxiety.


Afraid to say no, speak up or hurt someone’s feelings.


Tune in to learn why Youtube, blog strategies…even your therapist’s advice often fails to work and what really needs to happen to be a boundary setting bad*ss.

Ready to master boundaries, heal lingering trauma and find emotional freedom after narcissistic abuse… (so you can ultimately attract the love of your life)? www.bethanydotson.com/talk