by bdotson2020 | Aug 23, 2022 | Anxiety, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, Relationships, Trauma Recovery, Trust
One major reason why you’ve been processing your feelings in talk therapy… But still struggle with daily anxiety, trusting yourself or ruminating about an Ex… Or still end up dating and staying too long with emotionally unavailable men… Or worse…shut off...
by bdotson2020 | Apr 8, 2022 | Anxiety, Dating, Healthy Relationships, Healthy Relationships, Intuition, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, Self Worth, Trust
You, more than anyone, know your disappointing track record in love. You’re a single, driven, high achieving woman who’s successful in your career.To someone looking at you from the outside, you have your ish together EXCEPT for love. In romantic...
by bdotson2020 | Jan 12, 2021 | Boundaries, Dating, Healthy Relationships, Love, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, Self Worth, Toxic Relationship recovery
A really common “re-entry” problem many smart women face is returning to dating again after divorce or long, unhealthy relationship…only to find they’re repeating history. Attracting emotionally unavailable men. Push, pull. Still married. Only...
by bdotson2020 | Dec 17, 2020 | Boundaries, Dating, Love, Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, Relationships, Self Worth, Toxic Relationship recovery
Nothing feels more gut wrenching than going No Contact with a “soulmate” who you were sure was the ONE. Or keeping the boundary 3 months later, when you’re just getting your life back…and they come sweeping in, professing their undying...