You stayed way, WAY past the expiration date.
You bent over backward to keep things going. You drug him to counseling.
You ignored 100’s of red flags. Losing your goals, emotional wellbeing, friends, family…finances and possibly job in the process.
And when you finally had the guts to call it off for good…you hardly recognized yourself. Shell of a person barely sums it up.
More like walking zombie completely zapped of her joy, motivation and spark. And the worst part?
You couldn’t stop thinking about him.
Months or YEARS later…
You knew he was destroying you…but late at night on a Saturday, when you’re lying in bed alone, a part of you longs to crawl back to the cozy “good times”.
And you can’t help but wonder who’s he with now.
Did he finally change for the next one?
Is he having the time of his life while you’re still here STUCK months (or YEARS) later?
Given all that, it sounds ridiculous to think he was a GIFT.
More like the worst psychological warfare meets walking time-bomb that completely ruined your life.
But could your most damaging, toxic ex actually be the greatest gift of your life?
Tune in below to find out.
Ready to END your unhealthy patterns in love (and life)? Book a free breakthrough call and break your cycle.