
You gave your heart and soul to this person.


Blood, sweat and tears. Oh the tears. 💔

Yes, you sensed red flags right away. 🚩

BUT, the sabotaging inner child inside of you, overrode all logic, succumbed to the love bombing and honeymoon phase…


And here you are months…or many years later, picking yourself up off the floor.


You’re throwing yourself into your career to stay busy.


But funny enough: the lack of boundaries, people-pleasing and resentment you had with your Ex…shows up in your work life.


You’re unhappy. Numb. Fearful of the future and seriously doubtful of your ability to have a healthy relationship moving forward.


In many ways, you FEAR this new life by yourself…while your Ex rode off into the sunset with someone new.


Sound familiar? Tune in here





📣 For single, successful career-women who want to learn how we help clients heal relational trauma, fully trust themselves, lead wildly fulfilling lives…and ultimately attract healthy partners after divorce or narcissistic relationships, visit our free training Break the Cycle (www.bethanydotson.com/masterclass)



📞 If you’re a single, successful woman who’s already done talk therapy, but still feels stuck in anxiety, fight or flight or ruminating after your Ex… and you’d like to speak with us to see if we can help you heal your relational trauma patterns and reach your goals in life and love, book a free initial consult call: www.bethanydotson.com/talk