
HOW TO DATE WHEN YOU FEAR DATING (and picking another “narcissist”)
You’ve taken YEARS off dating after your Ex to heal.
You focused on your career. On you. Your kids.
And when you finally felt “ready” to date and hopped online…
You fell for ANOTHER unavailable, avoidant or narcissistic person.
WHAT THE HELL? Didn’t all that time in therapy help?
Didn’t all those years “working hard” on yourself pay off?
You WANT a healthy relationship…BUT:
⌠You don’t want to get your hopes up.
⌠You hate online dating.
⌠You don’t know if you can trust yourself again.
⌠You fear picking the wrong person again.
⌠You live in a small town.
⌠Quality men your age are slim pickin’s.
And the reasons go on and on….and ON…. 😕
If this is you and you’re sick of being stuck in Camp Fear (not to be confused with the 90’s flick “Cape Fear ” with Robert DeNiro 😂) Tune in here for solutions.







📣 For single, successful career-women who want to learn how we help clients heal relational trauma, fully trust themselves, lead wildly fulfilling lives…and ultimately attract healthy partners after divorce or narcissistic relationships, visit our free training Break the Cycle (www.bethanydotson.com/masterclass)



📞 If you’re a single, successful woman who’s already done talk therapy, but still feels stuck in anxiety, fight or flight or ruminating after your Ex… and you’d like to speak with us to see if we can help you heal your relational trauma patterns and reach your goals in life and love, book a free initial consult call: www.bethanydotson.com/talk