
You’ve worked hard in your life to be successful in your career. To have the comforts of taking vacations.


Shopping at Whole Foods if you want.


Or even putting your kids in the best schools.


But one problem has followed you around your WHOLE LIFE: you always get into unhealthy relationships. 💔

Of course, it never feels unhealthy – at FIRST. At first, he feels like your soulmate.


But there’s usually some nagging glimmer of danger ahead. 🚩 Your gut contracts at something he says.


You’re not physically attracted to him.


You realize he’s always complaining about his Ex. Or he drinks too much.


And even though ONE part of you KNOWS it’s wrong…like a drug addict, you keep going back for more.


Hoping at some point to get the same high you once had when you first met. Or hoping he turns into the man you WANT him to be.


Maybe you’ve tried to handle your “broken picker” by achieving more in your career. Avoiding dating entirely. And hoping that maybe ONE DAY you get it right. If you just meet the “right person”.


But no matter how much therapy you do… no matter how much time off dating to focus on yourself you’re doing…


Once you open the dating apps or accept setups from friends – you find yourself attracted to and falling for the SAME pattern in a different face.


Feeling even more defeated and unsure if you’ll ever break this cycle. I hear you.


Tune in here as I talk about common pitfalls that keep you in the “broken picker” pattern…and what you’s required of YOU to go from “what’s wrong with me?” to WINNING in relationships.





For single, successful career-women who want to learn how we help clients heal relational trauma, fully trust themselves, lead wildly fulfilling lives…and ultimately attract healthy partners after divorce or narcissistic relationships, visit our free training Break the Cycle (www.bethanydotson.com/masterclass)



📞 If you’re a single, successful woman who’s already done talk therapy, but still feels stuck in anxiety, fight or flight or ruminating after your Ex… and you’d like to speak with us to see if we can help you heal your relational trauma patterns and reach your goals in life and love, book a free initial consult call: www.bethanydotson.com/talk